Happy New Year everybody and Frohes Neues, (Deutsche Version unten)
We hope you made it into the new year successfully and are happy with your new doings. Jenny and me have a lot of new things coming up this year!
We’re going to have a bunch of people coming around again and we’re also going to visit some of our friends. So have a look on our guest calendar from time to time or just follow the Black Tide Tattoo blog to see what’s up.
For people from the area: Please come to the studio directly to sketch your appointments, that’s easier and faster. You can come to the studio on Wednesdays from 16 to 19 o’clock for a consultation – no appointment needed for that.
If you send me an e-mail please be prepared to wait for some time until you get an answer. Because first of all I work on people, not on the computer. But I recommend you to subscribe to my blog to be on top of things!
Still reading? Because here comes my review for 2017…
Patrick Kitzel, Halo Tattoo NY, interviewed me for Tattoo Tribal Fanzine #10, the German Issue. The interview turned out amazing and we still have a few copies of the Fanzine in the studio.
On one of our trips we made it to a few shops in western Canada: Paul Jefferies “Smiling Buddha” in Calgary was a super sweet guy and really took his time for us. The same applies for “Eternal Image” of the infamous Scott Veldhoen. He was a fantastic guy and made sure we had magical moments.
The highlight of the Canada trip was Gordon getting a tattoo by Brett Schwindt, Strange World Tattoo. It almost didn’t hurt and at the end of the visit Gordon was given a new T-shirt design for Black Tide by John and a new hand made machine by Chris. There’s a cool crew in that studio and I can only recommend a visit to everybody.
Gordon also managed to finish a few new pieces. Major one that you’ve probably seen in the featured image is Oliver’s Suikoden Warrior, Chojun. Oliver did really well: he came all the way from Munic for his 20 appointment sometimes by train, by car and sometimes by plane.
Looking back on a lot of work, but also a lot of satisfaction watching the finished tattoos.
Some of the top customers of 2017 to mention are Mark, who got his front done with the imperial dragon. Further there’s Harry, who finished his backpiece in 2016 and now had his legs finished with two historical japanese figures. Josh started his back with warrior K.R. fighting the snake. This will be continued and finished in 2018… I totally appreciate your guys enthusiasm and power for your projects!
A large thank you goes to all the people that came over to the studio to make it happen. Guests and customers, friends and likers!
Here are a few Highlights from 2017!
Jenny und ich wünschen allen ein frohes Neues Jahr! Wir freuen uns darauf mit euch dieses Jahr gemeinsam zu neuen Horizonte aufzubrechen. Bei uns werden sich einige Sachen tun. Unter anderem, wird es wieder eine ganze Reihe an Gästen geben und wir werden natürlich auch etwas unterwegs sein. Am besten könnt ihr dem Black Tide Tattoo Blog folgen um am Ball zu bleiben. So erfahrt ihr auch am schnellsten, wenn sich mal eine Lücke im Kalender auftut!
Denjenigen, die aus dem Ruhrgebiet kommen oder nur eine kurze Anreise haben, empfehle ich, persönlich vorbei zu kommen. Das geht für alle schneller. Mittwochs zwischen 16 und 19 Uhr kannst Du ohne Termin zur Besprechung kommen!
Wenn Dein Weg zu mir länger ist, kannst Du natürlich gerne eine E-Mail schreiben. Dann bitte ich um Dein Verständnis, denn ich arbeite mit Menschen und nur in zweiter Instanz mit dem Computer. Es kann also etwas dauern bist du dann eine Antwort bekommst.
Falls Du eine E-Mail geschrieben hast und schon länger auf eine Antwort wartest, check bitte Deinen Spam-Ordner und schreibe dann eine kurze Erinnerungs-Mail. Manche Dinge gehen unter oder landen im meinem Spam-Ordner.
Soweit so gut. Jetzt seid ihr dran! Wir freuen uns auf euch. Bis dahin seht ihr hier ein paar Highlights aus 2017!
- Brett, Scott and Gordon
- Kurt Wiscombe and Gordon Claus
- Aaron Riddle and Gordon Claus