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Traveler and Tattoo collector since 1989

After Executing his first tattoo in 1992 excitement grew with the final switch to full time tattooing in 1998.
In the past he visited selected conventions and his friends in their shops all around the globe.
After years of secret travels he can now exclusively be found in his studio.


二代目如月 2nd Generation Kisaragi

After extensive and multiple visits to Japan in the past couple of years,
Gordon Claus was selected
二代目如月 2nd Generation Kisaragi.

Gordon also carries the honorary title

“ Second generation Horikoi”

It’s speculated that Gordon is the first person outside of Japan to carry a generation title in the occupation of Horimono.

Each day the tradition and culture of Japan is honored. Gordon is proud to bring the family tradition to Germany for you!


Passion and extreme devotion

To survive outside of Japan in the world of tattooing is only possible with huge passion and extreme devotion.
Society constantly gets manipulated through growing media and changing trends, consuming new things, but exactly that will be the decline of tattooing. One can quickly get lost in this world of consumption without ideals and passion.
In the course of this, Gordon would like to excuse himself by withdrawing himself from mainstream public tattooing.
Soley being in the element through recommendation.
Taking oneself back is a good way of self-cleansing.
Gordon’s success: He measures his success on how happy he is. He has never been happier then NOW!


“Men are born different to one another, but he who constantly strives to be someone can become a real person.” –Japanese saying.

“On your appointment it‘s only you who counts.”
With the new concept, Gordon finds more peace and constancy. It also gives him the possibility to deal with his customers without interruption. You can see that change in his work!
“Only when I‘m good to myself, I can pass a good feeling to my customers and make a great experience out of your appointment.

That‘s why I criticize myself and my work to create something outstanding for you. A place where I can be myself and you can let go.”

Gordon produces raw power imagery with characteristic precision. Fierce without romantic expression.

Sensei Kisaragi 初代如月  and Gordon Claus 二代目如月 in Toyohashi, Japan

Master Kisaragi and Gordon Claus in Japan

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Please also understand that I will read every email, but not every email may receive an answer. Please be patient.

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Eiji Ryuzaki

初代如月 Shodai Kisaragi / Horikoi

World famous Eiji Ryuzaki a.k.a. 初代如月 KISARAGI 1st, better known in the West as Shodai HORIKOI 1st. from Toyohashi, Japan.
He has been practicing Horimono handcraft under his title for over 40 years. Starting his career in 1982. Working on numerous conventions in the West, he also organized the only conventions throughout the 80s and 90s in Japan.
Receiving his full body suit from Third carver generation Yokohama, Yoshihito Nakano, Horiyoshi 3.
Shodai Kisaragi is active teacher, author, convention organiser, musician and traditional Horishi with a successful offspring of disciples.

It’s believed that Sensei Horikoi1/Kisaragi finished over at least
250 甲羅彫り (kourabari) Shell carving full back pieces mostly enhanced with background and completed more than
50 総身彫り(soushinbori) full body suits.

Many pieces have never been seen due to the fact that they were carried out on members and bosses of the underground. Due to diverse social obstacles and constant disadvantages, it’s accepted that not each picture was taken.

Tattooer in Japan with blue tradional garment

Gordon Claus

二代目如月 2nd generation Kisaragi

Bottrop, Germany
Man holding a rod for hand method tattooing, is working on his clients back.

Lars Walkling

初代彫陽 Horiyou

Miami, USA
Rick Wilson Tattooing big dragon across a mans back.

Rick Wilson

彫陸 Horioka

Calgary, Canada
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Enough Ink? You want Metal?

Jennifer Claus Piercing

Yes! We Blog (sometimes)

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Moving Images

初代如月 Kisaragi

二代目如月 Nidaime Kisaragi


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